Alice Falling
The Book

Alice Falling
An empowering midlife memoir of adventure, insight, & imagination reclaimed.
Here’s the Blurb:
I knew I wasn’t living the life I really wanted. I also knew I didn’t have the first clue what I really wanted.
I’d invested half a lifetime conquering a construct of success I’d cobbled from the untraditional circumstances of my childhood. I’d knocked out every major accolade I could conjure – a law degree, brazen international adventures, founding, running, and selling companies, starting and supporting a family…I was a damned Girl Scout Leader for dogs’ sake – I was out of boxes to check.
And, I was navigating a precarious edge. I’d already sent an exploratory toe over the edge and glimpsed what I’d hoped were flickers of my deeper purpose.
I began collecting clues that slowly revealed that it was my construct for success that was out of alignment, not my deepest wants and desires. I thought I’d been living out my dreams, choosing my own path, but the truth was that my truth was hiding (almost) the entire time, afraid to be seen.
In its absence, I had substituted and aspired to a different playbook. The playbook I’d been following had little to do with my truth, my definition of success, or even my happiness. It was toxic and it was deeply rooted in the patriarchy, in endless cycles of unresolved trauma, and in the ceaseless “shoulds” of society.
I hope you’ll join me as I search for and find the clues to complete the puzzle of my truth. Cringe with me as I recount the blunders, adventure with me as I travel the world, laugh with me as I find humility, and root for me through the reclamation.
See you on the other side!

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